Internet Personality Quiz
Christian Amaya Garcia, Alex Both, Gunner Dongieux, Jane Kim, Kati Kirsch, Andrew Straub, Karla Zurita
209 Morgan Ave
August 16, 2024
I told my friend she was just like Hannah from Girls. I could tell she was getting mad again. With fist hands and teary eyes she said, can you stop?! It was about the fifth time I compared her to Hannah. Pop Gun is pleased to present Internet Personality Quiz featuring works by seven artists. Works respond to the real-life subjectivity lost through online identity formation, and the newfound freedom inherited in avatar-building. Sometimes this manufactured freedom becomes an illusion of choice. An anonymous friend is asking for a photo on your anonymous account, but instead you choose to share your writing with them, detailing why you collect small golden objects and why you hate living far away from the sea.
Although we have the ability to inhabit a new body through textual descriptions, like the obese can become slender, the beautiful plain, fragments of our personality persist. These dismembered fragments of truth and creation are enough for a split personality to become sentient. Once sentient, your identity becomes information that is then repackaged into other forms of data categories to form echo chambers, as your created avatar lives on it goes on to join mormon homesteaders, cowboy lesbians, ranchero slow dancers, perverted at-home chefs, alpha male life coaches, etc. content outlets will assign you an identity, much like a Buzzfeed Personality Quiz. Receiving an unwanted result for a personality quiz, like Ross from Friends, can cause dissociative effects to your self-image. Internet Personality Quiz is an exhibition that seeks to mirror the multiplicity of identities that have sprung from the freedom of online platforms and the effects that has on the self.
Internet Personality Quiz was my first curatorial project at Pop Gun, a project space I co-run with Gunner Dongieux.

Karla Zurita &
Gunner Dongieux
Carrie, Hannah, Jessa, Billie, Dom, Michael, Gloria, Sleeping Beauty, Megamind 2024
Wood, cardboard, styrofoam, ceramic, latex, silicone, acrylic, stickers, transparent folie
67.5 x 16.5 x 24 in

Install view